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How Page speed matters to your business

page speed

Running a successful business is a tough job, but running a successful e-commerce website can be more worthy, profitable, and easy to manage. E-commerce websites are becoming more and more powerful as well as they are more profitable and can engage a lot of customers. E-commerce websites can promise you a healthy business if you have a high quality and high-speed website.
The speed of a web page and website is the same for the business as fuel for your car. Before looking into how page speed matters to your business website? Let’s just figure out what is meant by page speed and how it matters?

Page Speed

When you hear page speed you might think of how fast a website loads, but is it the same? That’s not the case, page speed means how fast and quickly a page displays all of its content. It is the speed at which a web page is fully displayed in your browser. Page speed can cause a pleasant and lasting first impression and contrary to that it can adversely affect your business impression.

How page speed matters to your Business?

As we know what is meant by page speed let’s figure out how it matters to your business. Page speed can cause a pleasant impact on your e-commerce website and eventually, it positively affects your business as well. Your web design plays an important role to increase your page speed.

Low Bounce Rate

How fast a web page loads can actually assist in reducing bounce rates. You will be amazed to know that even a second can cause a huge impact on the bounce rate. High web page speed can promise a good user experience and a low bounce rate. The speed can create a huge difference as if a page takes 1-6 seconds to load it has a 102% increased probability of bouncing compared to just 32% if the web page loads in 1-3 seconds. As you can see the faster the page speed the lower is bounce rate.

Boost Conversion Rate

Web page speed has a direct relation with the conversion rate. The conversion rate is what the website actually earns. If a web design has a low page speed its conversion rate is also very low. Even milliseconds counts as a decrease of 100 milliseconds in page load can decrease the conversion rate by 7%. The faster the page load speed is the higher the conversion rate which is the objective of every e-commerce website. The ideal page load time for a higher conversion rate is between 1-4 seconds.

Increases customer retention

High page load speed can promise you a high customer retention ratio. Higher page speed increases the interest of the user and keeps them engaged with your website. Visitors and buyers don’t like to wait a lot for a web page to load. As we have seen the higher the load time the more bounce rate, which forces the users to leave a slow loading website. Almost 79% of customers who had a bad website experience will never buy from them again which is a huge loss.

Increases Sales and Revenue

Slow page speed can decrease customer’s interest in your business and result in a lack of sales and not generating enough revenue. But if you manage to speed up your web page load time you are able to attract more customers and will be able to generate more revenue from sales. A delay of just a second can decrease customer satisfaction by 16% which will impact a lot on your business sales and overall revenue generation. For digital marketing, page speed plays an important role. Page speed increased by just 0.1 seconds has a tremendous impact on your business as your average retail conversion rate will jump by 8.4%.

Enhancing Loyalty

Customers having a good web experience are more likely to return back to your e-commerce website and can be your loyal customers in the future. The better and faster the web page the more loyal your customers will be. A slow-loading page can impact your business adversely as almost 18% of users will abandon their carts due to slow page loading speed.

Impacts SEO

Web page speed also impacts your search engine optimization (SEO). As you know SEO will help your websites to rank higher in search engines and some of the renowned search engines such as Google uses page speed as a ranking factor. Search engines prefer websites having fast web page speed to be ranked higher. The majority of the users rely on search engines and if your web page is slow it will not rank higher in search engines and will affect your business and sales.

Web speed by SEO

How to increase Web Page Speed?

Well if you are worried about your web page speed then don’t you worry. You can increase your page speed in numerous ways. Firstly make a wise decision choosing the right web hosting provider, there are various high quality hosting providers you can select one of them. Choosing plugins wisely, looking for a better content delivery network, choosing and optimizing images and videos. Clearing web cache, keep up to date website. All these factors can help you in improving your page speed.


Web page speed decides whether a customer will purchase from you or not. It is very important to have a fast and efficient web page for better customer engagement. Page speed is an important factor in conversion rate and overall customer satisfaction. Slow web pages can decrease sales and revenue and also impacts customer retention and loyalty. Page speed also determines the ranking of your website in a search engine. Running a successful e-commerce website it is most important to be visible and keep your customers engaged with you. Page speed can pose a huge impact on your business even milliseconds can create a huge difference. You can try different things such as choosing the best from the WordPress hosting providers, managing images and videos, looking for the right plugins for improving your web page speed. The success of your business or e-commerce website relies on the quality of web browsing experience and web page loading speed.

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